How To Get Farm Fresh Produce With ZERO Hassle
Get Fresh & Local Produce Delivered for Delicious Meals and Healthy Snacks
"I LOVE This Thing. So good."
Bill Newsum
Co-Founder of SweetThing
Farm Fresh is better and why that's so important....
Farm Fresh Produce is Full of Flavor. When crops are picked at their peak ripeness versus being harvested early to sit in a warehouse or distribution center for weeks or even months it's going to taste better.

Farm Fresh Produce has more nutrients because it's not been processed and it's less likely that the nutrient value has decreased.  

Farm Fresh & Local Produce supports the community. When you buy from local businesses that money stays within the community.  It's not siphoned off and redistributed to wealthy investors or hidden in off shore bank accounts.  

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the cornerstone of a healthy diet. Most health organizations (CDC,WHO...) recommend you eat 5 serving of fruits and vegetables per day to prevent chronic disease, improve your health,lose weight,  or even boost your immune system.  

Farm fresh produce is used by the best restaurants because they know all of their dishes will have more flavor and require less processing and additives to make the dishes taste amazing.  The same goes for meals you prepare at home.  You'll be able use less salt, fat, and sugar but still achieve great flavors in plant based or convention recipes.
We work with farms across the state to deliver the freshest local produce to Central Florida Families.
Our soccer events were cancelled, I had fished every day since the pandemic shut things down... when I saw Nikki Fried, from the Florida Department of agriculture reporting that Florida Farmers were in trouble.  

Some had to destroy their crops, others were facing the prospect of losing their farms entirely because business had dropped by  as much as 90%.

I felt terrible but equally as frustrated to see grocery stores picked over and what was there pretty flavorless... 

This is when I realized that hunger isn't really a food production problem it's really around logistics.  What covid exposed was a weakness in the food supply chain.

As a solutions architect I love solving problems almost as I love to cook and eat great food.

So I started this business with a mission to strengthen our community by..

 Helping Florida Families get fresh & local produce to eat and stay in good health during a public health emergency.

 Help local farms sell more products and save their farms.

Help feed local families who are in need.  

We've delivered thousands of produce boxes across Orlando since we've started and continue to evolve our service to better serve the community.

We are doing our best to being good stewards of the community by having ZERO food waste.

All of our "misfit" produce is donated to a local church in east Orlando that operates a food bank on Thursday mornings where we also help out when needed.

Unusable food is composted into soil for local gardens by our local friends at Compost Orlando.

Being the head chef of my household and somewhat of a foodie I tried to develop a menu with variety as well as cookability.  

I tried other services and yes you got produce but I needed to go out to the store to buy other ingredients.

Meal kits were kinda skimpy and pretty expensive and I'm not a big fan of processed foods either.

I watch a lot of cooking shows and Iron chef was one of my favorites.  You get a bunch of ingredients and figure out how to make them work with what you've got.  

Personally I love the challenge of figuring out how to use my box each week.  It makes cooking more fun which can sometimes get boring when you come home with the same stuff every week. 

Our box offer the most variety with over 20 fresh items every week.  

Our menu makes sense... Vegetables to cook and roast for dinners, salads for lunches, and fruits for breakfast, healthy snacks, and dessert.

If you want to add meats or keep it plant based it's you're call.  We include mushrooms in our big boxes which is my favorite meat substitute .

We wanted to make eating healthy and supporting local business easy .

Each week, we source fresh produce  from our local farms and distributors box it up and deliver it right to your front door. 

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